Protection of personal information.
Easy, standardized process that provides a better option for gathering, maintaining and renewing player’s credentials.
Lessons the chance for Identity Theft.
Emailed reminders to avoid and prevent any last minute scramble for player information.
Assures correct level of play.
Allows the player to be continually compliant with the league/ tournament requirements to avoid the potential of not playing

Protection of personal information.
Time and cost efficient.
No more questions or concerns about inappropriate players playing out of their age group.
No more collecting and/or handling any player’s family’s personal information.
Player Authenticate allows the coaches to coach and virtually eliminates the administrative nightmares.
Streamlines the process and can be used for multiple leagues, tournaments and a variety of different sports.
Assures full compliance.
Reminder emails to keep from expiring.

Protects the integrity of the league/ tournament.
Saves the staff a lot of time and stress.
Protects the league from handling the personal information of players and their families.
Very cost effective.
Provides a standardized procedure, as well as, a better way of managing and monitoring credentials.
Provides a permanent database of information.
Removes the league members from the process.
Confirmation of credentials immediately, 24/7.

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